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What do we do when we want to show our thankfulness? We send a card, a gift or something like that. But the most traditional thing that we do is to present flowers. They are a universal gift and believe us - even if you are not a fan, it doesn’t matter because it is very pleasant to receive flowers. They are unique and they are worth our admiring. Flowers ar..
$32.00 $25.60
What do we do when we want to show our thankfulness? We send a card, a gift or something like that. But the most traditional thing that we do is to present flowers. They are a universal gift and believe us - even if you are not a fan, it doesn’t matter because it is very pleasant to receive flowers. They are unique and they are worth our admiring. Flowers ar..
$32.00 $25.60

What do we do when we want to show our thankfulness? We send a card, a gift or something like that. But the most traditional thing that we do is to present flowers. They are a universal gift and believe us - even if you are not a fan, it doesn’t matter because it is very pleasant to receive flowers. They are unique and they are worth our admiring. Flowers ar..
$48.00 $38.40
What do we do when we want to show our thankfulness? We send a card, a gift or something like that. But the most traditional thing that we do is to present flowers. They are a universal gift and believe us - even if you are not a fan, it doesn’t matter because it is very pleasant to receive flowers. They are unique and they are worth our admiring. Flowers ar..
$48.00 $38.40

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 (1 Pages)